Monday, March 10, 2008


Lindsey & I decided to torture Ben & Layla with a 2 hour photo session today. It was fun-ny! Every 2 minutes we were saying- "Smile!" "Say Prizes!" (They were promised presents in return for no wiggling & for smiling.) What a workout!!!
Lindsey- this is your sneak peek- I will edit the rest tomorrow! My body wants that hour back- I am off to bed!
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Ledbetter Fam said...

So cute!!! And, I love the maternity pics.


Shauna said...

You have been busy mama! I love those pics of Lindseys kids - Layla cracks me up!

Naomi said...

Your work is amazing! What fun! If you ever do a workshop or anything - call me and I will be there!

Mommyof2 said...

Quinn and Hayden are ready for their 2 hour photo shoot. Just bring Frapachinos and they will be set. I want some pics of Quinn and his drums. Hayden also has a guitar. Could be cute!