Monday, October 20, 2008


WOW!!! That is all I have to say about that!
She is a knockout! You have got hard days ahead, Shawn!

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Amy said...

Susan - I've been stalking your blog for a while now. I love your photography work. I know that when Todd and I are ready for some more family pictures - you are who we are gonna call. Also - just to let you know I threw your name in the pot as a suggestion to take SOSshine school pictures for us! (So did Lindsay!)
Amy (Green) Murphree
p.s. - Piper is a knockout - all your Stork girls are!

Amy said...

that would be SONshine School

Annie said...

i had dreams about the pictures last night and they look better in real life!!
THANK YOU SO MUCH!! You are such a talented photographer!
(it's me sarah, not mom, although her picture comes up!)

Staci said...

WOW! I LOVE these pictures!!! And you're right, Piper is gorgeous!!!