Sunday, November 18, 2007

I am a Celebrity... reader! All of you out there that have kiddos in elementary school know that this past week was National Book Week. Ethan & Jack's school did a fabulous job of playing it up. They had something great every day of the week to celebrate reading. I got to go and read with them for "Latte in the Library" one of the days. And on another- I got to be a "celebrity reader". Now- brace yourselves- I have no pictures to show for this. But I want to tell you the short version of how this went down... I decided to read 2 of the new books from the Skippyjohn Jones series. Hilarious books! I now know from experience that if you have a 2nd grader or below- run out and find these books. I read them to Jack's class & they loved it! They were chiming in to read along with me and clapping at appropriate times. Jack said some of the kids even acted it out at recess. I was a hit. They think I am fun!!! So, I'm feelin' good as trot from Jack's class down to the 4th grade hall to read to Ethan & his friends. Not the same for them. I got a few courtesy laughs. They were polite, but I could see that I was embarrassing Ethan with my voices. So, it begins... one of many times I will embarrass my kids. Isn't it our right as parents??? Anyone who knew me growing up knows I have paid my dues. (Just kidding dad- We had a lot of fun because you were YOU!)
On Friday, Lily Kate got to dress as her favorite book character. She was the cutest Angleina Ballerina ever!
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laura said...

i just looked at your web site. you are amazing. you should have started this a LOOONNGGG time ago. i wish i had remembered that this was the quick pics weekend. reese and i were home alone all weekend.

Staci said...

I loved it when parents would come and read books to us. I was laughing about how Ethan was embarrassed by your "voices"!