Friday, September 19, 2008

Friday Funnies

I have been meaning to post these two stories forever...

Jack came home from school the other day & said,
"Mom, if all the girls in my class draw pictures of me dressed like I am a girl- does that mean they are flirting with me?"
Mom: "Of course!"
Jack: "Wow! That means all the girls in my class like me!"

I ate lunch with the kids last week & one of Lily's new friends ran up to me & hugged me (we had never met) & said, "I am so happy to meet you! Are you Lily Kate's mom?"
Lily Kate's Mom: "Yes I am!"
Friend: "All the boys like Lily. They push her down at recess so they can kiss her."
Mom: "Really?"
Friend: "Yes... and sometimes she cries."
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1 comment:

Jeff and Amy McKissick said...

Kids can say and do the funniest things...thanks for sharing and starting my day with a laugh!