Thursday, May 1, 2008


What to do? I got the fam all dressed up- went up to the "studio"- and did the press the button run into place thing about 15 times. This is what I got. I am quite tired of this whole directory thing- half of me wants to say- "Who cares?" and put this one in as is... and the other half of me thinks- I have worked way too hard to have the kids' arms crossed for the next 3 years. Which half should I listen to? Please comment...

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Ledbetter Fam said...

I like the picture. It doesn't look bad with their arms crossed. Is it really worth it to get everyone dressed up again??? That would be the kicker for me. I'd take it if I were you!!!


Unknown said...

I agree with Juli Beth. It's still a good picture, arms crossed and all. I'd keep it.

Mommyof2 said...

I like!

suzspeaks said...

It shows personality!!! I like it!

Shelley said...

I like the picture, too! It would not be worth it to me to get them all DRESSED UP again. But I do understand your want for redoing it... Your other pictures for the directory looked great, too. Good Luck finishing it all up.

Leslea said...

Looks good to me!

Anonymous said...

Call me crazy but i would totally re-do it. sorry just being OCD and honest. You guys are beautiful always' but three years. Love you so much.

lindsey anne

Staci said...

If the kids (and D) like getting dressed up and taking pics...then redo it. Otherwise...I think it's fine!

laura said...

i really like this picture. you look great...and you even had to do the timer and run in. and that's so lily with her arms crossed. i love it. good job.